I'm getting maried in a few weeks. Why? I don't know. We were fine living together for a few years, and we've been together much longer - and we never needed a contract. Now that the baby is coming it seems we do. Not that it's our wish, but the family just won't leave us alone. So we'll do it as it's not too big a deal. We just needed to listen to some religious crap for a week to get a church permit, than we had to visit various offices to get another kind of permit - this time from the sta...
Questioning myself has come naturaly to me as I prepare for the wedding (and a child on the way) so one of the questions I'm asking myself is - am I egoistic? Elaborating on that, I also ask mister Me - Am I looking at things only from my point of view? Am I considering the events only evaluating the effects that affect me? Am I 'me-centric'? Let's put aside the question of me writingh a bunch of questions that sound like the ones from the Sex & The City, how objective an answer I can get ...
There's people who want to but cannot heave children, people who would like to adopt children and countries (mostly in Europe) having a very low birth rate and in need of children. There are also people performing abortions, people having too many children to support them and people neglecting their children - in emotional development, education and other aspects. On the other hand, there are countries where the streets are full of cars, parking places are hard to find and car-related pol...
Anything we do is on some level (usually on a very basic level) influenced by greed. Don't agree? Well, You should. We work because we wont more - and we don't stop when we've earned enough if we can get even more. We Have children because WE want to have children (to satisfy our urge) - not because we want to make a new person. We spend time with our loved ones, give them presents and affection because it makes US feel better... And it's not only each and every one of us - the system is ...
Listening about all this trials for war crimes, I can't help but wonder how is it that the war is not considered a crime by itself? Let's be honest, it's the killing and destruction of property of the highest degree. But OK everybody's doing it so it's not a crime. I don't like this kind of reasoning but if we don't consider war a crime, how can we explain the 'war crimes' as crimes? It's the same as saying that a murderer is not guilty for murder but is for breaking the ashtray in the vi...
No, I'm not going to write some 'sense and sensibility'-based stuff. What I'm interested today is how to instill a sense of morality in a child or, to set it even more plain - how to make a person distinugish between good and evil - without having to resort to a 'carrot and stick' method. I mean, explaining plainly doesn't work - even on grown-ups. So how do we teach the childern anything without saying: 'you'll get spanked if you do / don't do this or that'? Anyway, are we in our own liv...
Reading the forums I've come to the conclusion most people haven't studied logics in high school. The logical errors in argumentation are abundant and are the reason most discussions end in a petty bickering. Maybe reading this Link or this Link could help.
I know this could provoke hard feelings from people who work in the army or have family members there, but I'm putting it completely theoretical. Let's see... To be opposed to unlawful behaviour is OK, because breaking of laws is anti-social behaviour and bad for all of us. We have police to stop that kind of behaviour. And to be a police officer is a honourable job - your calling is to protect the society as a whole. War is unlawful in more than one element - it's destruction of propert...
I've been thinking about the benefits of education, and I came across some very disturbing facts. So I decided to pute them in writing, in hope they will look better that way. Here goes: What I got from education (highs school, university, post graduate + various courses and seminars + countless non-fiction books) - a deeper understanding of a world around me - but not the perfect understanding as that seems to be (as yet) unatainable - more insight in dangers and problems me as a person...